Let’s face it, nobody wants to get in trouble with the police, be convicted through the courts and have a criminal record. Unfortunately, sometimes things happen in life and we make decisions we might later regret. If those decisions end up in a criminal charge, it is very important to ensure you are properly represented.

There are key stages in the criminal court process that lend themselves to a fixed fee approach. However, these tend to be where a plea of guilty, supported by a plea in mitigation need to be presented to the court. In such circumstances, we are able to offer a fixed fee for your representation to present your position to the court.

However, should you plead not guilty and your case proceeds to trial, the cost of conducting that trial will depend on a number of factors, not least of which is the time it takes to conduct your case.

Please also note that the charges in relation to criminal court work do not apply if you are in receipt of Criminal Legal Aid.

The areas we are able to offer a fixed fee option are as follows:

Tendering a plea of guilty to the court

Our fee for this service in the Justice of the Peace Court (JP Court) is £300 exclusive of VAT. That means the cost to you, including VAT is £360.

Our fee for this service in the Sheriff Court is £550 exclusive of VAT. That means the cost to you, including VAT is £660.

In each case, there is also a scanning fee of £19.80 (inclusive of VAT)

This means the total cost of a plea of guilty for a JP Court case amounts to £379.80 (inclusive of VAT) and for a please of guilty for a Sheriff Court case amounts to £679.80 (Inclusive of VAT).

What does tendering a plea of guilty cover?

We will take your instructions and give you advice on the charge or charges you are facing. We will discuss the circumstances of the offence and explain the possible outcomes. We will attend court with you, intimate your plea of guilty and present mitigating factors on your behalf.

In the event of sentence being deferred and you wish us to attend to represent you at this subsequent hearing, we will charge you on our firm’s fee rates for the work involved leading up to and including appearing in court. These are:

Position Fee (exclusive of VAT) VAT Cost (including VAT)
Partner £270 £54 £324
Associate £235 £47 £282
Solicitor £210 £42 £252
Trainee/Paralegal £185 £37 £222

Tendering a plea of not guilty to the court

The cost of tendering a plea of not guilty on your behalf includes all work up to and including the Intermediate Diet.

Our fee for this service in the Justice of the Peace Court (JP Court) is £375 exclusive of VAT. That means the cost to you, including VAT is £450.

Our fee for this service in the Sheriff Court is £625 exclusive of VAT. That means the cost to you, including VAT is £750.

In each case, there is also a scanning fee of £19.80 (inclusive of VAT)

This means the total cost of a plea of not guilty for a JP Court case amounts to £469.80 (inclusive of VAT) and for a please of not guilty for a Sheriff Court case amounts to £769.80 (Inclusive of VAT)

What does tendering a plea of not guilty cover?

We will take your instructions and give you advice on the charge or charges you are facing. We will discuss the circumstances of the offence and submit a plea of not guilty at any pleading or intermediate diet.

If the case is not resolved at the intermediate diet and proceeds to trial or in the event of a change of plea and sentence being deferred and you wish us to attend to represent you at a subsequent hearing, we will charge you on our firm’s fee rates for the work involved leading up to and including appearing in court. These are:

Position Fee (exclusive of VAT) VAT Cost (including VAT)
Partner £270 £54 £324
Associate £235 £47 £282
Solicitor £210 £42 £252
Trainee/Paralegal £185 £37 £222


Are there any other costs involved?

In the event that we need to attend a JP Court or Sheriff Court which is not located in Dunfermline, travelling charges and any necessary accommodation charges will be applied. Where possible, we will advise you of the likely costs of these in advance.

If you need our help to deal with a criminal court case for you, please contact us.