Where you engage us to carry out legal work on your behalf which does not fit into any specific category, our charges will be based on our general fee levels.

Examples of such cases might be where you have a query about your title, title boundaries or neighbour disputes. You may seek advice about challenging a Will or changing a Power of Attorney. Alternatively, you may wish to discuss raising court proceedings against someone with whom you have a dispute or to raise interdict proceedings in a family law matter.

In circumstances like this, we will let you have an indication of our fee charging basis when we send you our Terms of Business and, if possible, an estimate of the fee and any outlays or expenses. We will base our charges on the following table of hourly charges:

Position Fee (exclusive of VAT) VAT Cost (including VAT)
Partner £270 £54 £324
Associate £235 £47 £282
Solicitor £210 £42 £252
Trainee/Paralegal £185 £37 £222

We aim to keep you fully informed as your case progresses and will attempt to provide our best estimate of the length of time it will take to reach a resolution. It is important to be aware that we are also likely to have to deal with third parties and, sometimes, the rate of progress is dependent on their response times.

The hourly rate does not include any outlays or expenses that need to be met and these will vary depending on the nature of the case. We will advise you of these costs once these are known to us.

Please contact us to discuss your legal case.