We provide advice and assistance to clients for a wide range of civil court matters. Due to the nature of this type of work, we cannot provide a fixed fee option.

We will charge a time-based fee for this type of work. The level of fee charge will depend on who deals with this work for you. Our current rates per hour for the different categories of fee earner in our firm are as follows:

Position Fee (exclusive of VAT) VAT Cost (including VAT)
Partner £270 £54 £324
Associate £235 £47 £282
Solicitor £210 £42 £252
Trainee/Paralegal £185 £37 £222


What’s involved in Civil Court Proceedings?

The following are some of the typical steps we need to take in a civil court case:

  • Initial consultation, considering matters and providing initial advice.
  • Advising you about your options and the procedure involved
  • Taking statements from witnesses
  • Preparing your case and lodging the Initial Writ in court/entering Defences (these set out your case)
  • Dealing with adjustments to answer claims made by opponent
  • Dealing with court procedure and attending court on your behalf
  • Negotiations leading to settlement (if appropriate)
  • Citing witnesses to attend
  • Setting and conducting a Proof/Debate/Proof Before Answer
  • Confirming the outcome to you

Are there additional costs involved in civil court?

In addition to our fee, there will be court dues for lodging documents in court, potentially sheriff officers fees and possibly the costs of a shorthand writer if the case proceeds to a Proof, Debate or Proof before Answer.

In addition, we may recommend instructing Counsel to review your case and possibly present your case to court.

Depending on the type and nature of your case, there may be medical, expert or financial reports and we have no control over external reports. We will advise you of the likely costs of these reports before instructing them on your behalf. This list is not exhaustive but gives an indication of the types of additional costs that may be incurred

As with all types of work, in the even of their being additional costs required, we will, wherever possible, advise you of these before they are incurred.

Please contact us if you wish to discuss raising or defending a civil court action.